- This event has passed.
January 4, 2021 @ 9:00 AM
While we ride out this storm, we will offer curbside and online services through January, 2021 (and possibly beyond).
With the increase in COVID-19 cases in our immediate area, the Graves Library has moved to curbside services. The staff will be here working Monday through Friday 10 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, taking calls, filling orders, and processing books, every day …just no folks in the building. If you need to get in touch with us for anything, please call 967-2778 or email me directly. (ml@graves.lib.me.us)
We appreciate your support and patience as we all work to get these numbers going in the right direction for our community and our state.
In the meantime, please take advantage of our resources:
To find out if we have a book – go to www.graveslibrary.org. Choose on the word “CATALOG” in the upper-right corner of the home page (green box) or on the RESOURCES tab on the Menu Bar. Type in your term (either title, author, subject, etc.) and then choose on the corresponding button below. The screen will let you know if we have such item and if it is available. Call us at 967-2778 and request the item to be placed on the porch. And if we don’t have such item, we can try to get it through InterLibrary Loan.
We also have friends of the Library that can deliver to folks who cannot drive or find their way to the Library.
Our website has several links to valuable sites (newspapers, homework, e-book and audio-book downloads, magazine articles, genealogy, movies, etc.) Visit: graveslibrary.org
For e-books and audio-books: click on the CLOUD LIBRARY app (bottom left icon on our home page-graveslibrary.org). And, if you would like to open a temporary Portland Public Library card, please send them an email at lending@portlib.org. Portland has additional resources on its website that you, as a York County resident, has free access.
For education articles, national newspapers, homework help, medical assistance, and genealogy (now including Ancestry.com): click here MAINE DIGITAL LIBRARY (Formerly MARVEL!) on the LINKS tab. For many of these databases, you will need to create a user name and password. The “getting started” tab will walk you through this. Call us if you need help! (207-967-2778).
Virtual story time is offered every Monday and Friday at 10:00 through Facebook.com/GravesLibrary page. Special Holiday Stories are posted on there as well each night through December.
Want to buy some books from our sale? Send us a list of what you are looking for (not specific titles – just genres) and we can fill a bag for $10 and put on the porch.
TED-ED is full of webinars, talks, lessons worth sharing for teachers and students around the globe.
Our Wi-Fi is accessible in the parking lot. Please use: Graves Public Library. There is no password. Just please don’t leave your car running too long!
We are here to help. Just let us know what we can do (remotely!)
Please have a safe and blessed January!
Mary-Lou Boucouvalas, Library Director