February 19 @ 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tax Help By Appointment
Wednesdays, February 5 – April 9, from 9 AM – 12 PM in the Business Center.
Tax Preparation has resumed at Graves Library – BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Prior to scheduling an appointment, please pick up the information packet and fill it out. The packet includes an instruction sheet that includes a phone number or email to call for your appointment. As before, our assistants are here every Wednesday from 9 AM -12 PM from February 5 until April 9th. If you need any forms or schedules printed, please call the Library at 967-2778. We will get them ready for you. Individuals are asked to bring all necessary paperwork, including their social security card, proof of identification, and last year’s tax returns. The Library also prints out tax forms from the IRS for your convenience. Just let us know what you need!
The Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. For further information, please call 967-2778 or visit our website at www.graveslibrary.org.