coffee and conversation


Join us for some coffee and conversation with Cathy Fellenz and Susan Gesing of Kennebunkport.

They will conduct a community circle focused on racial justice.  The Portland-based Center for Restorative Justice has trained 18 local residents to hold community discussions in light of the recent incidents at RSU 21.  The conversation will center on this question:  How do we become a community that welcomes all?  Please call to register for this very important discussion.

Light refreshments will be served.



Join us for some coffee and conversation with Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci.

Marilyn R. Gugliucci is a Professor and the Director for Geriatrics Education and Research, as well as the Director of U-ExCEL (UNE~Exercise and Conditioning for Easier Living) Fitness/Wellness Program for older adults within the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine Division of Geriatrics. Her “Learning by Living” research projects, UNECOM signature programs, advances medical and health professions students’ learning through the application of ethnographic/autobiographic immersion research methods.  Learning by Living: Nursing Home Immersion involves “admitting” medical students into nursing homes to live the life of an elder resident for 10-14 days complete with a diagnosis and standard procedures of care.  The Learning by Living: 48 Hour Hospice Home research immerses students into an 18 bed in-patient hospice home to work with an inter-professional team in providing patient care, family support, and post mortem care.  She also conducts research on older adult function, falls, and proprioception.

This is a morning not to be missed!  No registration is required.  Light refreshments will be served.



Join us for some coffee and conversation with Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci.

Marilyn R. Gugliucci is a Professor and the Director for Geriatrics Education and Research, as well as the Director of U-ExCEL (UNE~Exercise and Conditioning for Easier Living) Fitness/Wellness Program for older adults within the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine Division of Geriatrics. Her “Learning by Living” research projects, UNECOM signature programs, advances medical and health professions students’ learning through the application of ethnographic/autobiographic immersion research methods.  Learning by Living: Nursing Home Immersion involves “admitting” medical students into nursing homes to live the life of an elder resident for 10-14 days complete with a diagnosis and standard procedures of care.  The Learning by Living: 48 Hour Hospice Home research immerses students into an 18 bed in-patient hospice home to work with an inter-professional team in providing patient care, family support, and post mortem care.  She also conducts research on older adult function, falls, and proprioception.

This is a morning not to be missed!  No registration is required.  Light refreshments will be served.



Join us for some coffee and conversation with Fiona Robinson of United Way to talk about the wonderful services offered by calling 2-1-1. Fiona is the Marketing and Donor Development Senior Manager of United Way of York County.

2-1-1 Maine is a free, confidential service that connects people all over Maine to needed resources in their area.  211 employs specialists that assist people in finding local services that help them stay healthy, safe, and independent.  This includes everything from heating assistance, mental health resources, food pantries, housing veterans’ assistance, and more.  Mainers can connect to 2-1-1 Maine and receive information and referrals by calling the number (2-1-1), texting their zip code to 898-211, or visiting  This service is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.


No registration is required.  Light refreshments will be served.


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