

There’s a new Movie Theater in town and the price is right–Free!  Graves Library offers  – Movie Night – once per month.  Please join us on Thursday, April 18 at 6:45 pm for a special showing of Master and Commander.  A special introduction to the movie will be given by Retired Vice Admiral, George Emery.

Loosly based on the book series written by Patrick O’Brian, Master and Commander starts out with the friendship between Captain Aubrey, R.N., and Stephen Maturin, ship’s surgeon and intelligence agent, against a thrilling backdrop of the Napoleonic wars. Details of a life aboard a man-of-war are faultlessly rendered: the conversational idiom of the officers in the ward room and the men on the lower deck, the food, the floggings, the mysteries of the wind and the rigging, and the roar of broadsides as the great ships close in battle.  (W.W. Norton)

For more information about this program  (207-967-2778).  Light refreshments will be provided!

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