film Kennebunkport


Special Matinee Movie

Join us Saturday, January 27 at 2 PM for a special movie matinee screening of the 1925 documentary “Grass”. Local resident and author Susan Richards will be here to discuss her grandmother’s film. “In 1924, neophyte filmmakers Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack—later to achieve cinematic immortality as the makers of KING KONG—joined forces with journalist and spy Marguerite Harrison and set off to film an adventure. They found excitement, danger, and drama in the migration of the Bakhtiari nomads of Persia (now Iran). Twice a year, more than fifty thousand people and half a million animals surmounted seemingly impossible obstacles—braving the icy, raging waters of the half-mile-wide Karun River and winding their way up the side of the sheer, snow-covered rock face of the fifteen-thousand-foot-high Zardeh Kuh mountain—to take their herds to pasture. Risking their own lives in the process, Cooper and Schoedsack captured astonishing, unforgettable images of courage and determination and created one of the cinema’s first great documentaries” ~ Criterion Channel. All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

The Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. For further information, please call 967-2778 or visit our website at


Blue Zones

Community screening and discussion Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. Join us to view and discuss a four-part documentary featuring Dan Buettner as he discovers five unique communities where people live long and vibrant lives. Dan Buettner is an explorer and best-selling author who has studied Blue Zones for twenty years. This documentary features five regions across the globe with the highest number of centenarians or people who live to 100. All screenings will be at the Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library located at 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport, from 9-10:30 AM.

Wednesday, October 4, “The Journey Begins”

Thursday, October 12, “An Unexpected Discovery”

Wednesday, October 25, “The End of Blue Zones?”

Thursday, November 2, “The Future of Longevity”