piping plovers


We invite you to join us here at Graves Library on Wednesday, August 28th at 9:30 AM for an informative presentation about the shorebirds at Goose Rocks Beach.  Emily McCormick, Shorebird Volunteer Coordinator through the Town of Kennebunkport will be here to discuss how we can all help this migratory shorebird species.

This one-hour session will highlight the endangered piping plovers and least terns, their habitats, and the challenges they encounter.  Ms. McCormick will discuss the vital conservation efforts in place to protect these birds and learn how we can all help in their preservation.  Whether you are a bird lover or simply interested in local wildlife, this presentation is set to offer valuable insights and encourage community participation in the protection of our shorebirds.

For more information about this presentation (and the project in general), please email Emily McCormick at eomcco17@gmail.com or Mary-Lou Boucouvalas at mlbgraves@gmail.com

Light refreshments will be served.  Parking available at Consolidated School or the North Street Fire Station.  Please call 967-2778 for more information.