south coast senior college


How World War I and Its Aftermath Created the Modern Middle East with Lou Salome on Wednesday, April 10, 17 & 24, 12-2 PM

First and foremost, there is a series of secret, duplicitous, and contradictory agreements that couldn’t be untangled and create lasting distrust. Imperialists (Britain and France) groped for more as old empires (namely, Ottoman) died. Add to that international intrigue (The League of Nations mandates — to the victors belong the spoils) conflicting with the promised but denied self-determination of some peoples, all mixed in with American isolationism. In the ashes of this explosive mix were many Arab peoples whom the West incredibly robbed of the opportunity to create their democracies. All of this is from a time when oil was barely mentioned. Online registration is required; please visit or call South Coast Senior College at 274-3105.


The Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. For further information, please call 967-2778 or visit our website at


Happy Retirement with Hal Hannaford

Wednesday, December 13 at 10 AM. Retirement is a misunderstood concept. In fact, it is a counterproductive term. After all, one should never retire from life!  We don’t retire, we do something else! After 31 years leading a traditional boys’ schools as a progressive educator, Hal left the profession in 2020. Over all those years, he came to understand the conditions required in order to ensure the last fifth of life is one of true fulfillment and happiness. This workshop focuses on the five foundations required to reach that lofty goal. It is a challenge, we need to start young, but it is never too late. A South Coast Senior College Class offered for free.


The Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. For further information, please call 967-2778 or visit our website at


Wednesday, April 5, 12, 19 & 26 12:00-2:00 pm. South Coast Senior College Class- Persia, now Iran. Most of what Americans know about Persia comes from the Greeks via the Persian wars — Thermopylae, Pheidippides and the Battle of Marathon, the naval battle at Salamis, Cyrus the Great, Xerxes, and Darius. We know little or nothing of what a great empire ancient Persia was. Most of the rest of what we know flows from post-1979 when Iranians seized the U.S. embassy in Teheran and held 52 foreign service officers hostage for 444 days. We are taught little or nothing of Persia’s place in the world from the ancients to the moderns, or of its critical location which constantly tempted Russia, the Ottoman Empire, and more recently the West during the Cold War and the Age of Oil. We will start this class, not at the beginning of time, but now, with the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. Only then will we return to the beginning. Instructed by Lou Salome, Lou is the author of “Violence, Veils, and Bloodlines: Reporting from War zones in Europe, Asia, and Africa”. He earned a BS from the College of the Holy Cross and a MA from Boston College. He is a retired COX Newspapers reporter who has covered the conflicts in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. Online registration is required to do this, please visit or call South Coast Senior College at 274-3105. Payment and registration for the class are through South Coast Senior College. The Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine Street, Kennebunkport, visit our website at


Join Dianne Trachimowicz in making a floral arrangement for your home. Each participant will make their own arrangement and learn many simple secrets of flower arranging!

For over 40 years, Dianne (FLOWERS BY DI) has been creating floral arrangements as well as designing and maintaining gardens. She is a member of the Seacoast Garden Club where she is co-chair of programming and assists with maintaining the monument and community garden in Kennebunkport. She is also the lead volunteer, maintaining the gardens at St. Ann’s Episcopal Church. Dianne is a member of the National Garden Conservancy.

To register, sign up at ( Call South Coast Senior College at (207) 274-3105 with any questions.

The cost of class materials is $15, which will be collected by the instructor on the day of the course.


The South Coast Senior College has asked Graves Library to help out with getting this class back out to the public.  This will be an in person course for three weeks.  If interested please call the college to register.  Here is the blurb:

[Seems like five years since we’ve had live classes at the Senior College. It’s been at least two years, and maybe three, our last class being in the fall of 2019. Even this relatively short period shows the importance of history in our individual and collective lives. Each of us remembers this period differently. As more time passes and perspective changes, individual histories will morph into a broader national story — I’ll call it A Medical, Social and Political History of COVID.  This brief period alone shows the importance of remembering history and getting it right. Distortions are not allowed, not for any reason.  With this in mind, we, will examine the importance of recorded history as events unfold through time. It’s been said in many ways that in order to understand the present we have to know and understand the past. To me, this is an absolute truth. It’s the reason that individuals and governments try to rewrite history to favor their own point of view. It’s also the reason that knowledge of the past is society’s best defense against distortions in the present and future.  We will view DVDs of historians discussing the importance of history. This will be only a starting point to a wider discussion of history as we, you and me, wish to take it up. I see this as more of a seminar-type class than a traditional classroom effort.]

Your Instructor: Lou Salome.   Lou is the author of “Violence, Veils and Bloodlines: Reporting from War zones in Europe, Asia and Africa.”  He earned a BS from the College of the Holy Cross and an MA from Boston College. He is a retired COX Newspapers reporter who has covered the conflicts in Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle East.


1.Online registration required.  To do this, please visit :       There is no charge for this class but space is limited.

2. Proof of Full Vaccination will be checked at door.

3. Masks required.